
That’s right for your Business Never miss, always score with BowlMarc Robotics. Easy, Fast, and Efficient.


Light Indicators

LEDs positioned strategically for clear visibility, offering intuitive feedback on the bot's status and actions.

Touch/Voice Controls

Intuitive control options empower users to effortlessly navigate and command the bot, ensuring a user-friendly experience across different interaction modes.

Secure Delivery

Real-time tracking and monitoring capabilities provide transparency and reassurance throughout the delivery journey, bolstering trust and reliability in the service.

Laser Projection

High-definition projections enable clear communication of information or messages, enhancing the bot's effectiveness in conveying instructions or displaying visuals.

Make-Way Functionality

Intelligent path prediction algorithms anticipate potential obstacles and proactively adjust the bot's trajectory, ensuring efficient navigation and minimal disruption to surrounding activities.

Smart Human-Robot Interaction

SwiftBot features a secure door or doorless delivery system so that your guests can trust the food they receive. Also featuring a laser display you can not only entertain but inform your guests of the robots status and guide them on how to interact.
SwiftBot focuses on the interaction with guests and was designed to put your guests first through make-way pathfinding and smart interaction so that your guests feel prioritized.

BowlMarc Robotics

Making bowling smart.


Intuitive user interface
makes destination selection


Wide array of sensors
helps her plan out the most
direct route.


High functional capacity
allows your staff to get back to
the guests.

Affordable Leasing and Purchase Options

Let us help you step into the future.

© BowlMarc Robotics. All rights reserved.